by Alan Lam on 18 string Guzheng

‘Fangzhi Mang’《紡織忙》is a composition written in 1955 for solo guzheng by renowned Cantonese musician and composer Liu Tianyi (劉天一, 1910-1990). This piece is considered the first masterpiece after The Chinese Revolution of 1949. It subtly imitates the rhythms and sounds of the looms and sewing machines used in a textile weaving factory, as well as the joyful spirit of the female textile workers.


Performed by Alan who uses a Beijing Peacock brand 18 steel-stringed guzheng that was left to him by his father. It was made in China during the time of ‘The Gang of Four’ and exported to Singapore and Malaysia. It is markedly different from the 21 nylon stringed guzheng commonly used today. The 18 stringed instrument retains the rustic timbre of the traditional guzheng produced in the 1970s. When played, the timbre is deep and powerful, while the midrange is warm and mellow. The left-hand playing the chromatics and glissandos are among the techniques that demonstrate the music of GuangDong.


《紡織忙》是1955年粵派泰斗劉天一創作的一首廣東音樂風格的箏曲。 樂曲描寫了農家婦女辛勤紡織、愉快勞動的畫面。彈奏這首樂曲不止是除了呈現出古箏的快和慢,吟柔按顫,也模仿了機械聲,是一首很有創意的曲子。

藍啟倫在此用了父親留給他的一台在中國四人幫時期外銷新馬地區的北京孔雀牌 18 鋼弦箏來演奏,有別于現在市場通用的 21 尼龍弦箏。其保留了 1970 年代生產的古箏質樸音色,彈奏的時候音色低沉且渾厚有力,中音溫潤如玉。

相比 21 弦箏,選用此箏來演奏《紡織忙》,更能襯托彰顯樂曲的美妙樂韻,左手的按音,半音、上滑音、下滑音等演奏技法充分的表現出廣東音色的調性。